Posted by
Link Miller
7:33 PM
I swear, you spend a day, a weekend, a month, writing a scene, a page, a paragraph. You re-write it several times. A friend, proofreader, or editor chops on it. You fix everything, you get it just right, and a second after you drop it in the mailbox, or hit the 'send' button, you think of something you should have done to it! I guess it is all part of the process, because I don't think a writer SHOULD be 100% satisfied. One should always be seeking perfection in their work. Geez, you'd think I hade been watching too much Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai, or something. Anyway, if any of you have a similar story you'd like to share, I like to hear it.
Posted by
Link Miller
10:11 PM
Where to begin? The speakers, the presentations, the late night critique sessions, so much of the Southern California Writer's Conference was outstanding. And what about the great lectures where you realize, maybe you need to rethink that opening scene of your novel one more time. The amazing, not to mention friendly and supportive people there. And I am not just talking about the folks in the hotel bar. Seriously, if you have not attended one before, do a google find one near you (I drove for four hours to get to mine) and GO!
Biography Highlights
Writer of the Sterling thriller series;
The Hong Kong Exchange
Public Speaker on Motivation, Leadership, Goal Setting/Achieving
Former Marine Officer;
Pilot, both fixed-wing and helicopters
Former Stand-up Comic;
Host and MC of the Honolulu Comedy Club